How to Cite a Podcast: MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard Formats
Need to refer to a show in your paper? Check this guide to learn how to cite a podcast in different styles and formats.

Podcasts have become increasingly prevalent as valuable sources of information across various subjects. As more individuals turn to this form of media for insights and discussions, it becomes essential to address the question of how to properly cite podcasts in academic writing.
In this write-up, we'll provide a practical exploration of podcast citation, offering insights into the nuances of incorporating this source into scholarly discourse. Let's begin.
What is podcast citation?
A podcast citation is proper acknowledgment and documentation of a podcast in a scholarly or formal context.
When you use information or content from a podcast in your research, writing, or other works, you need to give credit to the original source and provide enough information for others to locate the specific podcast episode.
A typical podcast citation may include the following elements:
- Host(s) or author(s): The names of the individuals or group responsible for the podcast.
- Title of the episode: The specific title of the podcast episode you're referencing.
- Title of the podcast series: The overall title of the podcast.
- URL: If the podcast has a specific webpage, include this information to help others locate the podcast.
- Publication date: The date when the episode was released or published.
It's essential to adapt the citation format based on the citation style you're using (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, Vancouver, etc.) and the specific requirements of the context in which you are citing the podcast.
We'll touch on the specific examples of podcast citation in different formats a bit later in this instruction.
Why would anyone need to cite a podcast?
It's pretty much understandable with academic works of others, essays, books, or articles, but podcasts..? Do you actually need to cite a show you're listening to on Spotify?
Yes, citing a podcast is important for several reasons, similar to citing any other source of information. For starters, citing a podcast acknowledges the work and ideas of the creators, hosts, or guests who contributed to the podcast episode. It's a way of giving credit to the people responsible for the content.
Citing a podcast, you avoid plagiarism, which is the act of using someone else's work or ideas without proper attribution, so you clearly indicate where you obtained the information or ideas.
When you include information from a podcast in your research or writing, citing it provides evidence and support for your claims, as it adds credibility to your work and allows readers or listeners to verify the information. By providing a citation, you enable others to locate and explore the original source. This is particularly important in academic and research contexts where scholars may want to access the full podcast episode for a deeper understanding of the topic.
Different academic disciplines and publication outlets have specific guidelines for citing sources, and adhering to these standards shows your scholarly integrity and professionalism.
When to cite a podcast in an academic paper
Are there any specific contexts or rules that oblige you to cite a show?
You should cite a podcast in an academic paper whenever you use information, ideas, or content from the podcast to support your arguments, provide evidence, or contribute to your research.
Here are some situations in which you should consider citing a podcast:
- Direct quotations: If you directly quote from a podcast episode, you must cite the source. This applies to verbatim quotes or even paraphrased content.
- Data or statistics: If the show provides specific data or statistics that you use in your paper, it's crucial to cite the source of that information.
- Expert opinions or insights: If there are experts or individuals with specialised knowledge featured in the show discussing a topic relevant to your paper, citing their insights can add credibility to your work.
- Supporting evidence: If the podcast provides supporting evidence or background information for your arguments or adds depth to your analysis, citing it helps strengthen your paper.
The purpose of citations is not only to give credit to the original source but to enable your readers to verify your information and explore the sources for further understanding.
Additionally, always check the citation style guide recommended by your academic institution or the specific requirements of your assignment to ensure that you are following the correct format for citing podcasts in your academic paper. Here are the most common formats of a podcast citation, by the way.
How to cite a podcast in MLA 9
To cite a podcast in MLA (Modern Language Association) format, you'll need to include specific elements in a specific order.
Here is a general format for citing a podcast:
💡 Author(s). "Title of Episode." Title of Podcast, Season number, Episode number, Publisher, Publication date, URL.
And here's a breakdown of the elements:
- Author(s): List the names of the podcast host(s) or creator(s) in the order they appear, with the last name first, followed by the first name. Sometimes, depending on an institution, you have to disclose their role, such as "host."
- Title of episode: Put the title of the specific episode in quotation marks.
- Title of podcast: Italicise the overall title of the podcast.
- Season and Episode Number: If applicable, include the season and episode numbers.
- Publisher: The organisation or platform that produces or distributes the podcast.
- Publication Date: Provide the date the episode was released.
- URL: If you accessed the podcast online, include the URL.
For example:
Smith, John, host. "Exploring the Universe." Science Explorations, Season 2, Episode 23, Scientific Insights, 15 Jan. 2022,
Remember to adjust the format according to the specific details of the podcast episode you are citing and any specific requirements or guidelines provided by your instructor or publication. If a URL is not available, you can omit it from the citation. Always check the latest MLA handbook or the official MLA website for any updates or additional guidance.
How to cite a podcast in APA
There are slightly different rules when it comes to citing an episode and the entire podcast in APA.
Cite the whole podcast in APA
To cite a complete podcast in APA format, you can use the following template:
💡 Author(s) Last Name, First Initial(s). (Role). (Year). Title of podcast. [Audio or Video podcast]. URL
Here's a breakdown of the elements:
- Author(s): List the last name and initials of the primary contributors (e.g., host or hosts). If there are multiple authors, separate their names with an ampersand (&).
- Role: Host, etc. in parentheses.
- Year(s): Provide the span of years during which the podcast aired. For a podcast that is still on the air, provide the year the podcast started airing and use the word "present" instead of the second year, for example: (2018−present). For a podcast that aired for multiple years but has ended, give the start and end years, separated with an en dash, for example: (2020−2023). For a podcast that started and ended in the same year, provide just the year, for example: (2020).
- Type of a podcast: Specify that it is an audio or video podcast episode in square brackets. [Audio podcast], [Video podcast]
- Title of podcast: Italicise the overall title of the podcast.
- URL: If the podcast is available online, include the URL.
Here's an example
Smith, J. (Host). (2022−2023). Exploring the Universe. Scientific Insights. [Audio podcast episode].
If a URL is not available, you can omit it from the citation. Always check the latest APA style manual or the official APA website for any updates or additional guidance.
Cite a podcast episode in APA
💡 Author(s) Last Name, First Initial(s). (Year, Month Day). Title of episode (No. episode number) [Audio podcast episode]. Title of Podcast. URL
Here's a breakdown of the elements:
- Author(s): List the last name and initials of the primary contributors (e.g., host or hosts). If there are multiple authors, separate their names with an ampersand (&).
- Year, Month Day: Provide the release date of the episode in parentheses. If the specific date is not available, use the publication date of the podcast.
- Title of Episode: Put the title of the specific episode in sentence case (only the first word and proper nouns capitalised).
- No. episode number: If the episode has a number, include it in parentheses after the title.
- Audio or video podcast episode: Specify if that it is an audio or video podcast episode in square brackets.
- Title of Podcast: Write the podcast title before "In." Italicise the overall title of the podcast.
- URL: If the podcast is available online, include the URL.
For example
Smith, J. (Host). (2022, January 15). Exploring the Universe (No. 23) [Audio podcast episode]. In Science Explorations.
How to cite a podcast in Chicago format
Here's the podcast citation format:
💡 Last name, First name of Creators. "Episode Title." Produced/written/directed by. Podcast Title. Publication Month Day, Year. Podcast, Format audio, running time. URL.
Smith, John. "Exploring the Universe." Presented and produced by John Smith, Â Science Explorations. January 15, 2022. Podcast, MP3 audio, 20:02.
How to cite a podcast in Harvard style
Harvard style citations may be different depending on the institution, so always check with your university guidelines first. This is one of the ways to cite a podcast in Harvard style.
💡Author(s) Last Name, First Initial(s). Year of publication. Title of episode (in single quotation marks). Title of podcast (in italics). [Podcast]. Available at: URL or App. (Accessed: date).
Smith, J. (2022). 'Exploring the Universe.' Science Explorations. [Podcast]. Available at: (Accessed: 17 March 2021).